Friday, April 8, 2011

Day 06 - A photo of yourself and write 30 interesting facts about yourself.

This may be hard.

1. I don't know how to swim. But neither does Christopher Walken and he went on to be one of the most prolific actors of several lifetimes. So there.

2. I hate fruit. And I hate people that tout it as "nature's candy." You know what's nature's candy? Chocolate jelly rings, twizzlers, and sour straws, that's what.

3. I am right-handed. What? I always see people list their left-handedness as an interesting fact. I can too.

4. You know how people get cranky if they are hungry or tired? I get that way times 10 when I sweat. I pretty much stay indoors as much as I can during the summer. It also doesn't help that we live in the hot, hot South.

5. I am not picky and would literally eat anything as long as its vegan.

6. I NEED to eat something sweet immediately after a meal. No exceptions. And no, fruit doesn't cut it.

7. Hot Pants proposed to me in a dark park 15 ft away from a sleeping bum. So romantic!

8. We planned to elope and get married in the Bahamas but stupidly told HP's parents which caused major drama and ended up getting married in a courthouse in a lousy neighborhood. Our car was still there when we were done so I considered that a good start to our new life together.

9. I love reading memoirs, especially written by people who grew up in different cultures.

10. I am really quiet in large social settings. I can't bring myself to ask questions when I don't really care about the answers. But seriously, I wish I were more social but I tend to stay back and listen.

11. I am a planner to the max. I tend to plan every detail of most trips, only to abandon half of my plans when I'm get there. Even if I don't follow most of my trips I MUST plan them or else I get diarrhea cramps.

12. I have no sympathy for fat people. Thick and chunky are ok, but as soon as you pass that threshold of being pleasantly plump, I immediately recoil in disgust. I think this goes back to me having no tolerance for people's weaknesses. Its terrible, I know.

13. I used to think people in their 30's were OLD-- until I got to my mid-20's...and then late 20's....I am now convinced 30 is the new 50.

14. I forgive very easily and never hold grudges. You can probably murder my dogs and I will still cook you dinner.

15. I am a couch potato at heart and hate anything physical- hiking, excercising, yard work, etc. Add the blazing sun and I'm outta there. I am trying very hard to overcome this one because I don't want to end up hating myself (see #12).

I need another day to come up with the next 15.

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